I grew up in a household that was always alive and full. Whether
it was my siblings filling that space, my grandparents or our friends, it was
always buzzing with bodies. My life is very different now. My roommate and I
have opposite schedules and because we rarely see one another throughout the
week, home is a pretty quiet space. Quiet isn’t bad but it’s not the buzzing
I grew up with. I think a big part of why I enjoy bringing people together
under lights and over food is to tap back into that place and that feeling.
It’s also about this idea of being lavished upon. The times
that I have felt most lavished regarding a dinner have been at weddings; my
name was intentionally placed at a table, I didn’t worry about the cost of food
or the beverages and I danced the night away enjoying the love in front of me
and the surrounding strangers. Regarding the recent dinner party I hosted, I
wanted to offer that to my friends but wasn’t about to have a wedding (just
yet) in order to do so. And frankly, we shouldn’t have to wait for one to come
around. The soiree achieved the buzzing my spirit longed for and the lavishing it had hoped for. At one point, as I walked through my house, I compellingly paused; outside my windows the lights charmed the faces of my friends and their laughter and conversations drifted around in the air like smoke from a cigarette.
This is home.