Wednesday, May 11, 2011

my new years resloution

was actually to begin drinking coffee. it's true. up until a month ago i hated the bitter taste of it and didn't understand why it was such a fad among all people in all cultures. and for me, it's not the affect it has on me because i actually don't like that my heart hurts after drinking the damn stuff. it's the earthy, warm, creamy thick of it sweeping down the interior of my neck i've developed an addiction to.
and, until my teeth start turning yellow from its delayed, abominable, acidic effect, i shall continue my consumption. also, and don't judge me all you coffee connoisseurs following, i may have to resort to decaf for the sake of my heart and the possibility of it randomly imploding inside my chest because it kind of hurts to drink this dark, earthy matter. ah, such is love...

The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

This coffee falls into your stomach, and straightway there is a general commotion. Ideas begin to move like the battalions of the Grand Army of the battlefield, and the battle takes place. Things remembered arrive at full gallop, ensuing to the wind. The light cavalry of comparisons deliver a magnificent deploying charge, the artillery of logic hurry up with their train and ammunition, the shafts of with start up like sharpshooters. Similes arise, the paper is covered with ink; for the struggle commences and is concluded with torrents of black water, just as a battle with powder. ~Honore de Balzac, "The Pleasures and Pains of Coffee"

I bought a decaffeinated coffee table, you can't even see a difference. ~Author Unknown

Coffee, the finest organic suspension ever devised. ~Star Trek: Voyager

1 comment:

  1. I've just never gotten into coffee, either. I love the aroma, and I think I share your romanticized view of the whole event of coffee: the preparation, the warmth, the quiet moments of enjoyment, the ritual of it all. I just can't get over the taste.
    I like the coffee quotes, though :)
