I have moments, whether through hearing my nephews laughter or smelling the wind in October kick up crisp leaves, that I know I was made for somewhere else. I know I don't belong here. None of us do.
When I think about how we were created and so intricately designed, it's clear to me that it was an intentional act. It's also clear to me that we were made to live somewhere intentional, somewhere that doesn't pull us apart with pain, a place that doesn't make us ache for more. Paradise. Adam and Eve were made and designed to live in that perfect place but that unraveled when Eve disobediently bit the apple and Adam passively followed her lead. Enter: Earth. (Along with the comfortable dysfunction between men and women) While she is an incredible planet and full of mystery and beauty, she is not paradise. I appreciate Earth, but I long for Paradise.
The remarkable thing in all of this is that because God made us, cares
so deeply for what He's made, made a perfect place for us, and because
His perfect plan for us was to live out our days there, He has brought
pieces of it for us to experience while we endure Earth. We aren't owed
those pieces, certainly don't deserve them due to our rebellious spirit
and we most likely wouldn't know any other way were we not gifted those
pieces but He still opens His hands to release them on us because His
love endures forever. What a powerful Maker we have, what a specific and
Creative Creator and what a loving Father.
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